That would be cool!

Currently there isn't any hooks you can use for that purpose (I believe), 
but as most of Julia is written in Julia, it should be a reasonable project 
to include the required functionality in /base/REPLCompletions.jl 
submit a pull request on Github. This would likely be nice for other 
associative structures (PyCall anyone?) also.

You will have to look for unclosed `[` that is either empty or continue 
with a `:` indicating a symbol or `"` indicating a string index. 


kl. 10:06:19 UTC+1 onsdag 29. oktober 2014 skrev 
> Is there any way to add an customal autocomplete list to Julia REPL? For 
> example, I really hope the Dict can be as convenient as MATLAB structure 
> that the keys can be autpcompleted in command line.

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