This is my "Hello world" for Cairo in Julia outputting to PNG:

using Cairo

imwidth = 200
imheight = 200

c = CairoRGBSurface(imwidth,imheight)
cr = CairoContext(c)

set_source_rgba(cr, 1, 0.7, 0.2, 0.9)
set_line_width(cr, 1)
circle(cr, 100, 100, 50)

select_font_face (cr, "Helvetica", Cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, 
set_font_size (cr, 12)
move_to(cr, 100,100)
show_text(cr,"Hello world")

run(`open /tmp/helloworld.png`)

But I prefer to output to PDF. I've got as far as finding this:

c = CairoPDFSurface("/tmp/helloworld.pdf", imwidth, imheight)

but there's isn't a write_to_pdf() function (obviously?). But I can't get 
any output.

Pkg.installed() gives:

 "Cairo"             => v"0.2.20"

and I'm on version 0.3.0.

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