> # reducing with a single polynomial list gives just the polynomial back
> reduce(+, [p1]) 
> > p1
Doesn't this just work? It does for me.

# reducing with an empty list gives back the 0 polynomial
> reduce(+, [])
> > ZeroPoly

If you ensure that the array is correctly typed (eg: Poly[] ), you get:

julia> reduce(+, Poly[])
ERROR: `zero` has no method matching zero(::Type{Poly})
 in _mapreduce at reduce.jl:174
 in mapreduce at reduce.jl:196
 in reduce at reduce.jl:204

Which indicates that everything might work fine, if you define something 

Base.zero(::Type{Poly}) = Poly(0)

and it sure does for me.

kl. 02:33:29 UTC+1 onsdag 5. november 2014 skrev James Porter følgende:
> To get an empty list of polynomials, you can type `Poly[]`. I wouldn't 
> recommend changing the behavior of the built in reduce function though, 
> that would definitely be confusing for anyone else who later wants to work 
> with your module (and who will reasonably expect Base.reduce to return a 
> list). I would just handle the transformation of the empty list into 
> ZeroPoly elsewhere in your code. A nice thing to do might be to define your 
> own reduce function in your module (so Polynomials.reduce, or 
> Polynomials.polyreduce or something as opposed to Base.reduce) that wraps 
> Base.reduce and provides this behavior.
> On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 5:20:53 PM UTC-6, Evan Pu wrote:
>> Hi I'm writing a simple polynomial module which requires addition of 
>> polynomials.
>> I have defined the addition by overloading the function + with an 
>> additional method:
>> +(p1::Poly, p2::Poly) = ...# code for the addition
>> I would like to use + now in a reduce call, imagine I have a list of 
>> polynomials [p1, p2, p3],
>> calling reduce(+, [p1, p2, p3]) behaves as expected, giving me a 
>> polynomial that's the sum of the 3
>> however, I would also like to cover the edge cases where there's only a 
>> single polynomial or no polynomial.
>> I would like the following behaviours, :
>> # reducing with a single polynomial list gives just the polynomial back
>> reduce(+, [p1]) 
>> > p1
>> # reducing with an empty list gives back the 0 polynomial
>> reduce(+, [])
>> > ZeroPoly
>> How might I add such functionality?
>> For the empty list case, how might I annotate the type so Julia is aware 
>> that [] means an empty list of polynomials rather than an empty list of Any?

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