You are running afoul of shell escaping rules
<>. This should work:

julia -e 'using DataFrames; df = readtable("somefile.txt", header=false,
separator='\'' '\''); println(df[1,1])'

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 4:28 PM, <> wrote:

> Dear Julia community,
> I am trying to open a .txt file to process it with Julia like so:
> julia -e 'using DataFrames; df = readtable("somefile.txt", header=false,
> separator=' '); println(df[1,1])'
> I get:
> ERROR: syntax: incomplete: premature end of input
> probably because in trying to specify the separator I use '
> Is there a way around this?
> Thanks a lot!
> Adrian

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