Yes, we are civilized after all.

 -- John

On Nov 17, 2014, at 2:53 PM, Luthaf <> wrote:

> Ok, thank you !
> So the way to go is "better ask for permission than for forgiveness" !
> John Myles White a écrit :
>> I don't believe this is possible in Julia right now.
>> Which is ok in this case, since working with a KeyError is a very un-Julian 
>> way to check for key existence. You'll want to use haskey instead.
>>  -- John
>> On Nov 17, 2014, at 2:49 PM, Luthaf <> wrote:
>>> Hello !
>>> Is there a way to catch an exception by type in Julia ? Coming from python, 
>>> I am very tempted to do this kind of things:
>>> ```
>>> try
>>>    # Access a dict here
>>> catch e
>>>    if isa(KeyError, e)
>>>        # Handle the KeyError, as I know what to do in that case
>>>    else
>>> # Re-throw to upper level
>>>        throw(e)
>>> end
>>> ```
>>> But that is a lot of boilerplate when used many times.
>>> Maybe it is not the Julia way to express this kind of problem (handling one 
>>> type of exception, while letting the others go up), but I could not find 
>>> something about it.
>>> I can not just remove all the exceptions as some of them are thrown by Base.
>>> Thank for yours answers !
>>> Guillaume

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