As a user, ones(n,1) and ones(n) both return me a vector, and it is 
> confusing to find that ones(n,1) !=  ones(n)

I was where you are now a few months ago.  It's a learning cure thing, I 
think, because now I don't make that mistake
anymore or I'm like, oh yea, of course and change it 2 seconds later.  But 
to a new user it can be uninviting and not
easily solved with just more documentation.  

The question to me is what is the tradeoff?  For a semi-experienced user 
like me, it looks like Julia is trying to pick
a spot of convenience while trying to retain access to optimization.  The 
convenience part is the REPL, no requirement
for variable type declaration, no function type return declaration,  and on 
the other hand types and an options for variable
type declaration to allow the JIT to better optimize.  Your experience sits 
right where those to conflicting things are fighting
it out right now, and this wall-of-text doesn't help you out any.

I think this might be helped by having more  verbose error messages 

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