Yeah realised that just after I posted my message :S

On Monday, 17 November 2014 13:07:42 UTC+11, Jameson wrote:
> <: is the subtype operator
> :: is the isa operator
> You can't (currently) express conditions of the form you want (except as 
> assertions in the constructor)
> On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 8:03 PM < <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I've got a parametric type:
>> immutable SplineInterpolator{N<:Integer} <: Interpolator1D end
>> NB:
>> abstract Interpolator
>> abstract Interpolator1D <: Interpolator
>> Now, when I try to create the concrete type...
>> SplineInterpolator{3}
>> ...I get the following error message:
>> ERROR: type: SplineInterpolator: in N, expected N<:Integer, got Int64
>> NB that typeof(3) <: Integer returns true
>> Why am I get this error message? Using Julia 0.3.2 on OS X 10.10
>> Thanks

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