Can you just do

funcname = (:get_help_configuration, :get_help_languages,
:get_help_privacy, :get_help_tos, :get_application_rate_limit_status)
endpoint = ("help/configuration.json", "help/languages.json",
"help/privacy.json",  "help/tos.json", "application/rate_limit_status.json")

for (func, endp) in Dict(funcname, endpoint)
@eval begin function ($func)(; options=Dict{String, String}())

        r = get_oauth(string("";, $endp),

        return r.status == 200 ? JSON.parse( : r



On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 9:35 PM, Randy Zwitch <>

> I've seen this type of function generation in other packages, and wanted
> to try it for myself. This file in Twitter.jl has 5 functions with the same
> overall structure:
> Here's what I ended up doing, which works, but I've got no idea why I had
> to write the string interpolation the way I did. I went through many
> permutations here, so if someone could explain why the `:($(string("
>";, $endp))` line needs to be written that way
> for string interpolation, it would be appreciated. And any improvements in
> general are welcome.
> funcname = (:get_help_configuration, :get_help_languages,
> :get_help_privacy, :get_help_tos, :get_application_rate_limit_status)
> endpoint = ("help/configuration.json", "help/languages.json",
> "help/privacy.json",  "help/tos.json", "application/rate_limit_status.json")
> for (func, endp) in Dict(funcname, endpoint)
> @eval begin function ($func)(; options=Dict{String, String}())
>         r = get_oauth(:($(string("";,
> $endp))), options)
>         return r.status == 200 ? JSON.parse( : r
>         end
>     end
> end
> Thanks!

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