Old thread, but I've implemented a streaming encoder/decoder for FSK 
bauddot (used for example for TTY/TDD over telephone lines). I used the 
excellent AudioIO and Multirate packages. The implementation is currently 
baked into my fork of AudioIO


You can run the following example: 

julia> include("examples/tty_full.jl")
INFO: Initializing PortAudio. Expect errors as we scan devices
INFO: Scheduling PortAudio Render Task...
hooked up receiverINFO: PortAudio Render Task Running...

WARNING: Phase Noise: 1.5707963705062866
hooked up transmitterWARNING: Phase Noise: 1.5707963705062866


where the string is being decoded from the tones generated from the speaker 
and received by the mic. If you can get a good connection to the telephone 
network (I coupled acoustically with earphones on my cellphone in TTY 
mode), you can also communicate with TDD devices.

On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 3:17:26 PM UTC-4, Kaj Wiik wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 5:43:05 AM UTC+3, Jay Kickliter wrote:
>> You're absolutely right tagging, but have no intention of turning Radio 
>> into a streaming processing framework. My inspiration is LiquidDSP 
>> <http://liquidsdr.org> and Matlab's communications toolbox. If liquid 
>> wasn't GPL, I would just write an interface to it. It can be compiled 
>> without any dependancies, and has phenomenal documentation.
> Hmm, there is GSL.jl and GSL is GPL (and in fact also FFTW), I guess there 
> are no legal problems in writing an interface (unless you plan to use it in 
> a closed source software).
> Very interesting thread, a lot of good work, I'd very much like to see the 
> RTLSDR interface :-)...
> Cheers,
> Kaj

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