On Tue, 2014-11-18 at 22:06, David Smith <david.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to have a type such as this:
> type foo{T,M,N} 
>     x::Array{T,M} 
>     y::Array{T,N} 
> end 
> Where T and M can be anything, but N = M + 1.  I know I can't write
> type foo{T,M} 
>     x::Array{T,M} 
>     y::Array{T,M+1} 
> end 
> So I wrote the following naive code, but I get an error:
> julia> function foo{T,M,N}(x::Array{T,M}, y::Array{T,N}) 
>     @assert (M + 1) == N 
>     return foo(x,y) 
> end 
> foo{T,M,N} (constructor with 1 method) 
> julia> foo(rand(3),rand(3,3)) 
> ERROR: stack overflow 
> in foo at none:2 
> in foo at none:3 (repeats 79999 times)

This stackoverflow happens because you call foo again and again...

Anyway, this seems to work:

immutable Foo{T,M,N} # probably want an immutable here, so nobody swaps
                     # out the arrays behind your back.
    function Foo(x,y)
        @assert (M + 1) == N
Foo{T, M, N}(x::Array{T,M}, y::Array{T,N}) = Foo{T, M, N}(x,y)
Foo(rand(3),rand(3,2,3)) # errors

Note that the outer constructor is needed, see

(Note, types are by convention capitalized)

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