I just stumbled upon this post, I have the linter working in sublime for 
some time, trying it from time to time. Often it gets wrong lines, etc, but 
I guess it is going to improve as well as the time needed to actually do 
the lint. (About 10s because julia needs to start up.) Anyway, if anybody 
wants to give it a try here is a 
link https://gist.github.com/tomaskrehlik/0e8b65d48e2b4f9af85d


On Monday, 15 September 2014 17:36:31 UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:
> Jacob,
> I recently got my eyes on integrating this with in ST somehow too, so let 
> me know if I can help (I'm @tlycken at github). I was thinking that 
> integration through SublimeLinter (http://www.sublimelinter.com/en/latest/) 
> might be a good way to do it, but I haven't had time to look further into 
> it.
> // Tomas
> On Monday, September 15, 2014 8:04:07 AM UTC+2, Tony Fong wrote:
>> Jacob, Mike,
>> I just made a 2-line change to help you with that. You can do (block of 
>> code as text) + (file/line info) -> Array( LintMessage,1 )
>> using Lint
>> ctx = LintContext()
>> ctx.file = file
>> ctx.path = path # optional, to direct include() correctly
>> msgs = lintstr( code, ctx, lineoffset ) # lineoffset is how you shift 
>> from the relative line of the code to actual
>> On module, however, this is tricky. Some of the Lint code needs to have 
>> the whole module code in place to work, such as duplicated export, import 
>> using relative path (import .Show). I'd recommend that when you care about 
>> those Lint warnings you'd do a lint on the entire module file. I hope it 
>> isn't too bad of a restriction that meanwhile you still get most of the 
>> "local-level" lint functionality.
>> Tony
>> On Monday, September 15, 2014 6:33:59 AM UTC+7, Mike Innes wrote:
>>> We can get really nice integration for Lint.jl and Light Table – I've 
>>> actually already got some of the GUI parts worked out, so it won't be crazy 
>>> difficult to do.
>>> Quick question: How's Lint.jl's support for modules? For LT it's pretty 
>>> essential that the API looks like (block of code as text) + (file/line 
>>> info) + (module) => (warnings/errors). Of course, it's fine if I can 
>>> wrap Lint.jl's existing functionality to have that, but current AFAICT it 
>>> currently only works in terms of whole files.
>>> On Sunday, 14 September 2014 01:12:49 UTC-4, Viral Shah wrote:
>>>> I wonder if these can be integrated into LightTable and IJulia, so that 
>>>> they always automatically are running in the background on all code one 
>>>> writes.
>>>> -viral
>>>> On Sunday, September 14, 2014 8:38:09 AM UTC+5:30, Spencer Russell 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Any comments on how Lint.jl and @astrieanna's also-awesome 
>>>>> TypeCheck.jl relate? Are you two working together, or are there different 
>>>>> use cases for the two libraries?
>>>>> peace,
>>>>> s
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Tony Fong <tony.h...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Fellow Julians,
>>>>>> I think it is time to post an update on Lint.jl 
>>>>>> <https://github.com/tonyhffong/Lint.jl>, as it has improved quite a 
>>>>>> bit from the initial version I started about 3 months ago.
>>>>>> Notable new features
>>>>>>    - Local variable type tracking, which enables a range of 
>>>>>>    features, such as
>>>>>>       - Variable type stability warning within a function scope.
>>>>>>       - Incompatibility between type assertion and assignment
>>>>>>       - Omission of returning the constructed object in a type 
>>>>>>       constructor
>>>>>>       - Check the call signature of a selected set of methods with 
>>>>>>       collection (push!, append!, etc.)
>>>>>>    - More function checks, such as
>>>>>>       - repeated arguments
>>>>>>       - wrong signatures, e.g. f( x::Array{Number,1} )
>>>>>>       - Mispelled constructor (calls new but the function name 
>>>>>>       doesn't match the enclosing type)
>>>>>>    - Ability to silence lint warning via lintpragma() function, e.g.
>>>>>>       - lintpragma( "Ignore unstable type variable [variable name]" )
>>>>>>       - lintpragma( "Ignore Unused [variable name]" )
>>>>>> Also, there is now quite a range of test scripts showing sample codes 
>>>>>> with lint problems, so it's easy to grep your own lint warnings in that 
>>>>>> folder and see a distilled version of the issue.
>>>>>> Again, please let me know about gaps and false positives.
>>>>>> Tony

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