i'm trying to use readelf and ccall as suggested for a C++ shared library, 
and get the following error. any ideas? thanks.

$ readelf -sW /path/to/lib/libengine.so | grep resampler | grep init 

101: 0000000000003f10 832 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 11 

102: 0000000000004dc4 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 


Ptr{Void} @0x0000000006fc9c40

julia> ccall((:_ZL7initGPUP9resamplerPKjS2_j, "/path/to/lib/libengine.so"), 
Int, (Ptr{Void},Ptr{Cuint},Ptr{Cuint},Cuint), arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4)

ERROR: ccall: could not find function _ZL7initGPUP9resamplerPKjS2_j in 
library /path/to/lib/libengine.so

in anonymous at no file

julia> ccall((:_ZZL7initGPUP9resamplerPKjS2_jE12__FUNCTION__, 
"/path/to/lib/libengine.so"), Int, (Ptr{Void},Ptr{Cuint},Ptr{Cuint},Cuint), 

ERROR: ccall: could not find function 
_ZZL7initGPUP9resamplerPKjS2_jE12__FUNCTION__ in library 

in anonymous at no file

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