I'm playing around with Julia for the first time in an attempt to see if I 
can replace a Python + Cython component of a system I'm building. Basically 
I have a file of bytes representing a numpy structured/recarray (in memory 
this is an array of structs). This gets memory mapped into a numpy array as 
(Python code):

f = open(data_file, 'r+')
cmap = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), nbytes)
data_array = np.ndarray(size, dtype=dtype, buffer=cmap)

where dtype=[('x', np.int32), ('y', np.float64), ('name', 'S17')].

In cython I would create a C packed struct and to deal with the fixed 
length string elements, I would specify them as char[N] arrays:

cdef packed struct atype:
    np.int32_t x
    np.float64 y
    char[17] name

I'm trying to figure out how I would accomplish something similar in Julia. 
Setting aside the issue of the fixed length strings for a moment, I thought 
to initially create a composite type:

immutable AType

and then if I had an file containing 20 records use:

f = open("test1.dat", "r")
data = mmap_array(AType, 20, f)

but I get an error:

ERROR: `mmap_array` has no method matching mmap_array(::Type{AType}, 
::Int64, ::IOStream)

Is there a way to memory map a file into an array of custom 
records/composite types in Julia? And if there is, how should one represent 
the fixed length string fields?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


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