Hi brothers,

I am practicing a little bit in Julia now, and I want to see how meshgrid 
(if there is any) works. I found an example in Matlab (for I find it easier 
to cope with and make it Julia compatible), but I don't know how to do the 

Here is the example:

col = 20;
m = 400;
cx = -.6;
cy = 0;
l = 1.5;
x = linspace(cx-l,cx + l,m);
y = linspace(cy-l,cy + l,m);
(X,Y) = ndgrid(x,y);
Z = zeros(m);
C = X + i * Y;

for k = 1:col;
    Z = Z.^2+C;
    W = exp(-abs(Z));

colormap copper(256);
shading flat;

I would really appreciate if someone can give a working example in Julia of 
the aforementioned.

Best ...

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