it should be noted that there's nothing inherently "wrong" or "bad" about
using non-concrete type specifications in type declarations. it does,
however, limit certain optimizations that might provide performance
benefits, and may be especially important for native numerical types.

On Wed Nov 26 2014 at 4:54:37 PM Marc Gallant <>

> Thanks for your quick response! I have a couple questions/concerns about
> your implementation:
> - MyType(1, [2, 3], "xyz") fails requirement #2
> - MyType(1, [2, 10], "xyz") throws InexactError()
> - Does the declaration s::String cause the ambiguities described in the
> FAQ here
> <>?
> More specifically, does MyType suffer from the same ambiguity
> as MyStillAmbiguousType in the FAQ?
> Thanks again!
> Marc

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