Suppose you have a length-n array x of Uint8's = [1,5,32,7,...] , and you 
want to convert this
to a long string of hex digits (two per x[i]).  The code
      y = reduce(string, [hex(xi,2) for xi in x])
      ==> "01052007..."
will do the trick.  (Or, you could use map_reduce or one of the fold 

But I would like this operation to run in linear time.

Would any of the reduce, map_reduce, or fold operations run in linear time?
With a strict abstract implementation, each intermediate result string 
would need to
be created, and each such intermediate result string is immutable, so the 
time would be Theta(n^2).  

Or is the compiler smart about this case?  (A small experiment suggests 

Perhaps the right approach is:
       x2 = [ hex(xi,2) for xi in x]
       y = string(x2)


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