On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 12:14 PM, David Koslicki <dmkosli...@gmail.com>

>> Implementing your own Bloom filter really shouldn't be too hard.
>> Alternatively, it might not be too hard to file some issues against John's
>> package and get it into better working state. If you mention me in an
>> issue, I can also take a look at things. Having the BloomFilters package
>> working would probably be a good thing.
> If you look at the link I provided, you'll see that I've previously done
> exactly as you're suggesting.

Great. Thanks for helping out!

Exactly, and that's why I'm using my own implementation.
> I have thought using using a single string to store all the smaller
> strings, but I think it's even more computationally difficult to come up
> with a single (shortest) string that contains all my specified substrings
> (and no more).  Correct me if I am wrong on this point though, as that
> would be great!

I meant to just use a single BioSeq array and concatenate all the
sequences, not trying to make the overlap. This just reduces the overhead,
it's not a compression technique.

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