> Perhaps I will just call GEMV directly and pass it pointers to the correct
> locations.

Yes that would solve the allocation problem. Some of the BLAS wrappers
support pointers as input, but I think that is only the BLAS1 routines.
Hence, you'll have to make your own ccall to BLAS. Maybe we should consider
to support pointer version of the BLAS2 and 3 wrappers.

2014-12-07 13:05 GMT-05:00 <adok...@ucdavis.edu>:

> Thank you! I had suspected it may have been related to sub. Perhaps I will
> just call GEMV directly and pass it pointers to the correct locations.
> On Sunday, December 7, 2014 9:59:47 AM UTC-8, Andreas Noack wrote:
>> The allocation is from gemv!. It is likely to be sub that allocates the
>> memory. See
>> julia> let
>>        A = randn(5,5);
>>        x = randn(5);
>>        b = Array(Float64, 5)
>>        @time for i = 1:10;BLAS.gemv!('N',1.0,A,x,0.0,b);end
>>        end
>> elapsed time: 8.0933e-5 seconds (0 bytes allocated)
>> versus
>> julia> let
>>        x = randn(5);
>>        @time for i = 1:10;sub(x, 1:5);end
>>        end
>> elapsed time: 1.258e-6 seconds (1440 bytes allocated)
>> I've been told that it is because of the garbage collector and
>> unfortunately I'm not sure if it is possible to change. It can in some
>> cases be extensive and make it difficult to compete with Fortran
>> implementations of linear algebra algorithms.
>> 2014-12-07 12:41 GMT-05:00 <ado...@ucdavis.edu>:
>>> I am writing a Julia function which implements some of the functionality
>>> of the LAPACK function TPQRT, but my version stops before computing the
>>> block reflectors. In my function, I make several calls to gemv! and ger!
>>> from Base.LinAlg.BLAS. Each of these calls seems to generate extra overhead
>>> of 440 bytes according to the output of --track-allocation, and since each
>>> of those functions gets called several times within a function that also
>>> gets called many times, the extra allocations blow up and I end up spending
>>> a large chunk of time in garbage collection. Is it normal for each function
>>> call to dynamically allocate so much space? Here is the function in
>>> question:
>>> function tpqrf!( A::StridedMatrix{Float64}, B::StridedMatrix{Float64},
>>>                  tau::StridedVector{Float64}, work::Vector{Float64} )
>>>   m,n = size(B)
>>>   for j = 1:n
>>>     # Construct Householder reflector
>>>     A[j,j], tau[j] = larfg!(A[j,j], sub(B, :, j), tau[j])
>>>     # Apply reflector to remainder
>>>     for i = j+1:n
>>>       work[i] = A[j,i]
>>>     end
>>>     Base.LinAlg.BLAS.gemv!('T', 1.0, sub(B,:,j+1:n), sub(B,:,j), 1.0,
>>> sub(work,j+1:n))
>>>     for k = j+1:n
>>>       A[j,k] = A[j,k] - tau[j]*work[k]
>>>     end
>>>     Base.LinAlg.BLAS.ger!(-tau[j], sub(B,:,j), sub(work,j+1:n),
>>> sub(B,:,j+1:n))
>>>   end
>>> end
>>> Thanks,
>>> Aaron

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