What you're getting confused by is that your literals above are still
unsigned hex literals; but they are being applied to the negation operator,
which doesn't do what you want.  In essence, when you type "-0x7", it's
getting parsed as "-(0x7)":

julia> 0x7

julia> -0x7

julia> -(int(0x7))

Therefore I'd suggest explicitly making anything you want to express as a
signed integer as decimal.  Note that -0x7 == -int(0x7) == int(-0x7), so
it's not like any information is lost here, it's just the interpretation of
the bits that is different.

On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 7:38 PM, Phil Tomson <philtom...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sunday, December 7, 2014 5:08:45 PM UTC-8, ele...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Monday, December 8, 2014 10:21:52 AM UTC+10, Phil Tomson wrote:
>>> julia> typeof(-0b111)
>>> Uint64
>>> julia> typeof(-7)
>>> Int64
>>> julia> typeof(-0x7)
>>> Uint64
>>> julia> typeof(-7)
>>> Int64
>>> I find this a bit surprising. Why does the base of the number determine
>>> signed or unsigned-ness? Is this intentional or possibly a bug?
>> This is documented behaviour http://docs.julialang.org/en/
>> latest/manual/integers-and-floating-point-numbers/#integers based on the
>> heuristic that using hex is "mostly" in situations where you need unsigned
>> behaviour anyway.
> The doc says:
>> This behavior is based on the observation that when one uses *unsigned
>> hex literals* for integer values, one typically is using them to
>> represent a fixed numeric byte sequence, rather than just an integer value.
> Hmm.... In the above cases they were signed hex literals.

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