In any case, this does make me wonder what is going on under the hood... I 
would not call the vectorized code "vectorized". IMHO, this should just 
pass to BLAS without overhead. Something appears to be creating a bunch of 

On Thursday, December 11, 2014 5:47:01 PM UTC+1, Petr Krysl wrote:
> Acting upon the advice that replacing matrix-matrix multiplications in 
> vectorized form with loops would help with performance, I chopped out a 
> piece of code from my finite element solver (
> and ran some 
> tests with the following results:
> Vectorized code:
> elapsed time: 0.326802682 seconds (134490340 bytes allocated, 17.06% gc 
> time)
> Loops code:
> elapsed time: 4.681451441 seconds (997454276 bytes allocated, 9.05% gc 
> time) 
> SLOWER and using MORE memory?!
> I must be doing something terribly wrong.
> Petr

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