Glad to help.

— Mike

On Tuesday, 16 December 2014 12:43:40 UTC+2, Eric Forgy wrote:

Hi Mike,
> Thanks for your help. It is working now. I'm not only new to Julia and 
> Python, but also Mac OS. The path I inserted was not a folder, but 
> nevertheless was wrong. It was launching Julia, but not the correct way, 
> i.e. it was launching a new shell window. Here is the correct path (which 
> is even provided on the install page (argh!)):
>  [:app :lt.objs.langs.julia/julia-path 
> "/Applications/"]
> Cheers,
> Eric
> On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:39:55 PM UTC+8, Michael Hatherly wrote:
>> Is the path you’ve set:
>> [:app :lt.objs.langs.julia/julia-path 
>> "/Applications/"]
>> a folder or is it the actual julia executable? From the install guide 
>> <> the path should be the 
>> executable rather than the Julia folder.
>> I’m not too sure about the OSX directory structure though.
>> — Mike​
> ​

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