On Tuesday, December 9, 2014 5:23:26 PM UTC-5, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
> We're looking to redesign the JuliaLang.org home page and try to give it a 
> little more focus than it currently has. Which raises the question of what 
> to focus on. We could certainly have better code examples and maybe 
> highlight features of the language and its ecosystem better. What do people 
> think we should include?

My 2ยข:

  * shorter main front page
      * e.g., benchmarks deserves (1) its own page, and (2) graphical plots 
here would speak louder than a data table
  * pkg.julialang.org deserves its own top-level link
  * mention suitability as a general-purpose language
  * colorful plots and LaTeX-rendered mathematics give me that warm fuzzy 
feeling :)

-- John

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