Might be a good idea to package OpenBLAS for Arch, if you can't find an 
existing PKGBUILD.

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:22:10 PM UTC-8, Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:

> Le mardi 16 décembre 2014 à 13:27 -0800, Elliot Saba a écrit : 
> > I think the problem here is that we might be using something that 
> > requires a certain version of BLAS or LAPACK, or possibly a patched 
> > LAPACK or something.  We get a patched LAPACK when we build OpenBLAS. 
> > I've directly included Andreas in this reply, as he's the kind of guy 
> > that would have a good idea as to what's going on here. 
> I don't think Julia needs a patched LAPACK, at least it builds fine on 
> Fedora with the system's LAPACK.  It's the one from OpenBLAS, not the 
> reference LAPACK, but it worked fine too with Julia 0.3.0 when I used 
> the latter (though it was slower). 
> FWIW the Fedora package sets USE_SYSTEM_*=1 for everything, except 
> libuv, Rmath and libm. Additional flags are 
> LIBBLAS=-lopenblasp LIBBLASNAME=libopenblasp.so.0 LIBLAPACK=-lopenblasp 
> LIBLAPACKNAME=libopenblasp.so.0 USE_BLAS64=0 
> Maybe using Julia's version of SuiteSparse together with the system 
> BLAS/LAPACK does not work? 
> Also, do you imply it worked fine with 0.3.2, and started randomly 
> failing only with 0.3.3? 
> Regards 
> > On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Valentin Churavy 
> > <v.ch...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> >         So I narrowed it down to combining the system's blas with 
> >         Julia's suitesparse. In the tests I made laplack has no 
> >         influence. Should I file an issue against Julia or with the 
> >         Archlinux package? What are the Fedora packages bundling? 
> >         
> >         
> >         USE_SYSTEM_BLAS=1 \ 
> >         
> >         
> >         On Tuesday, 16 December 2014 18:07:23 UTC+1, Valentin Churavy 
> >         wrote: 
> >                 Ok setting 
> >                 USE_SYSTEM_BLAS=0 \ 
> >                 USE_SYSTEM_LAPACK=0 \ 
> >                 USE_SYSTEM_SUITESPARSE=0 \ 
> >                 
> >                 Make the problem go away. So it is the interaction 
> >                 between the system blas/lapack and the built 
> >                 suitesparese. Are there any patches that julia carries 
> >                 over suitesparse 4.4.1? 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 On Tuesday, 16 December 2014 17:28:28 UTC+1, Valentin 
> >                 Churavy wrote: 
> >                         So using 
> >                         
> >                         
> >                         make  \   
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_LLVM=0 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_LIBUNWIND=1 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_READLINE=0 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_PCRE=1 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_LIBM=1 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_OPENLIBM=0 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_OPENSPECFUN=0 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_BLAS=1 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_LAPACK=1 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_FFTW=1 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_GMP=1 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_MPFR=1 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_ARPACK=1 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_SUITESPARSE=0 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB=1 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_GRISU=0 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_RMATH=0 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_LIBUV=0 \ 
> >                             USE_SYSTEM_UTF8PROC=0 \ 
> >                             USE_MKL=0 \ 
> >                             USE_BLAS64=0 \ 
> >                             USE_LLVM_SHLIB=0 
> >                         
> >                         
> >                         leads to the error observed by me and Andrei, 
> >                         can anybody not using Arch try that out? 
> >                         
> >                         On Tuesday, 16 December 2014 17:07:55 UTC+1, 
> >                         Valentin Churavy wrote: 
> >                                 So building it from the PKGBUILD leads 
> >                                 to the same error. I am now building 
> >                                 it with the same make options from the 
> >                                 tar.gz on the Julia download page. 
> >                                 
> >                                 
> >                                 Andrei we probably have to build other 
> >                                 parts that interact with suitesparse 
> >                                 from source instead of using the Arch 
> >                                 ones. But if the problem persists 
> >                                 while using the tarball, then at least 
> >                                 other people on non-Arch distros can 
> >                                 try to see if it works for them and 
> >                                 which interaction leads to the error. 
> >                                 
> >                                 
> >                                 For the time being you can call 
> >                                 full(A) on your sparse matrix to 
> >                                 convert it to a dense matrix and 
> >                                 circumvent the problem 
> >                                 
> >                                 On Tuesday, 16 December 2014 16:52:18 
> >                                 UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote: 
> >                                         So if your suspicion is 
> >                                         correct, setting 
> >                                         USE_SYSTEM_SUITESPARSE=1 
> >                                         should fix this, right? 
> >                                         Let me know how it goes :) 
> >                                         
> >                                         On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 
> >                                         3:19:43 PM UTC+1, Valentin 
> >                                         Churavy wrote: 
> >                                                 So your system setup 
> >                                                 is exactly the same 
> >                                                 (except me running on 
> >                                                 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) 
> >                                                 i5-2520M CPU @ 
> >                                                 2.50GHz) and I can 
> >                                                 conform that the 
> >                                                 following code 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 
> >                                                  A = sparse([rand() + 
> >                                                 rand() * im for i in 
> >                                                 1:100, j in 1:100]) 
> >                                                  B = [rand() + rand() 
> >                                                 * im for i in 1:100] 
> >                                                  A\B 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 leads to the following 
> >                                                 error: 
> >                                                 julia: symbol lookup 
> >                                                 error: 
> /usr/bin/../lib/julia/libcholmod.so: undefined symbol: zpotrf_ 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 pacman 
> >                                                 -Qo 
> /usr/lib/libcholmod.so 
> >                                                 /usr/lib/libcholmod.so 
> >                                                 is owned by 
> >                                                 suitesparse 4.4.1-1 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 but the PKGBUILD 
> >                                                 at 
> https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/community.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/julia
> tells me that the Julia package was build with USE_SYSTEM_SUITESPARSE=0 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 I am currently 
> >                                                 building the Julia 
> >                                                 from the PKGBUILD in 
> >                                                 order to confirm that 
> >                                                 these build-options 
> >                                                 lead to the problem. 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 Best, 
> >                                                 Valentin 
> >                                                 
> >                                                 On Tuesday, 16 
> >                                                 December 2014 11:59:51 
> >                                                 UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu 
> >                                                 wrote: 
> >                                                         I now have a 
> >                                                         more accurate 
> >                                                         description of 
> >                                                         when the error 
> >                                                         happens. If I 
> >                                                         try to solve 
> >                                                         the following 
> >                                                         linear system 
> >                                                         
> >                                                         A 
> >                                                         1681x1681 sparse 
> matrix with 8321 Complex{Float64} entries: 
> >                                                                 [1   ,   
>  1]  =  -10.95+0.001im 
> >                                                                 [2   ,   
>  1]  =  0.415415-0.909632im 
> >                                                                 [42  ,   
>  1]  =  1.0+0.0im 
> >                                                                 [1   ,   
>  2]  =  0.415415+0.909632im 
> >                                                                 [2   ,   
>  2]  =  -10.56+0.001im 
> >                                                                 [3   ,   
>  2]  =  0.415415-0.909632im 
> >                                                                 [43  ,   
>  2]  =  1.0+0.0im 
> >                                                                 [2   ,   
>  3]  =  0.415415+0.909632im 
> >                                                                 [3   ,   
>  3]  =  -10.19+0.001im 
> >                                                                 [4   ,   
>  3]  =  0.415415-0.909632im 
> >                                                                 ⋮ 
> >                                                                 [1638, 
> 1679]  =  1.0+0.0im 
> >                                                                 [1678, 
> 1679]  =  0.415415-0.909632im 
> >                                                                 [1679, 
> 1679]  =  -10.19+0.001im 
> >                                                                 [1680, 
> 1679]  =  0.415415+0.909632im 
> >                                                                 [1639, 
> 1680]  =  1.0+0.0im 
> >                                                                 [1679, 
> 1680]  =  0.415415-0.909632im 
> >                                                                 [1680, 
> 1680]  =  -10.56+0.001im 
> >                                                                 [1681, 
> 1680]  =  0.415415+0.909632im 
> >                                                                 [1640, 
> 1681]  =  1.0+0.0im 
> >                                                                 [1680, 
> 1681]  =  0.415415-0.909632im 
> >                                                                 [1681, 
> 1681]  =  -10.95+0.001im 
> >                                                         
> >                                                         B 
> >                                                         1681-element 
> Array{Complex{Float64},1}: 
> >                                                           
> 0.525444+0.850828im 
> >                                                           
> 0.644642+0.764485im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.658926-0.752208im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.653119+0.757256im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.684803+0.728728im 
> >                                                           
> 0.499568-0.866275im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.362176-0.93211im 
> >                                                           
>  0.87001+0.493034im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.616929-0.787019im 
> >                                                           
> 0.698366-0.715741im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.275131-0.961407im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.984546-0.175127im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.857186+0.515007im 
> >                                                                   ⋮     
> >                                                         
>  -0.148487-0.988914im 
> >                                                           
> 0.860544-0.509376im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.929042+0.369975im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.812528-0.582923im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.972683-0.232138im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.449449+0.893306im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.929623-0.368512im 
> >                                                           
> 0.950785+0.309852im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.309421-0.950925im 
> >                                                           
> 0.115447+0.993314im 
> >                                                           
> 0.685855+0.727738im 
> >                                                         
>  -0.215699+0.97646im 
> >                                                         
> >                                                         A\B 
> >                                                         julia: symbol 
> >                                                         lookup 
> >                                                         error: 
> /usr/bin/../lib/julia/libcholmod.so: undefined symbol: zpotrf_ 
> >                                                         
> >                                                         This is the 
> >                                                         output in REPL 
> >                                                         (followed by a 
> >                                                         crash), in 
> >                                                         IJulia I 
> >                                                         simply get a 
> >                                                         popup saying 
> >                                                         the kernel 
> >                                                         died. 
> >                                                         
> >                                                         On Tuesday, 
> >                                                         December 16, 
> >                                                         2014 10:34:27 
> >                                                         AM UTC+1, 
> >                                                         Andrei 
> >                                                         Berceanu 
> >                                                         wrote: 
> >                                                                 Ok, so 
> >                                                                 here 
> >                                                                 is the 
> >                                                                 output 
> >                                                                 from 
> >                                                                 
> versioninfo() from inside the Julia REPL: 
> >                                                                 Julia 
> >                                                                 Version 
> 0.3.3 
> >                                                                 Commit 
> >                                                                 b24213b 
> (2014-11-23 20:19 UTC) 
> >                                                                 Platform 
> Info: 
> >                                                                 
> >                                                                 System: 
> Linux (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) 
> >                                                                   CPU: 
> >                                                                 Intel(R) 
> Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz 
> >                                                                 
> >                                                                 
> WORD_SIZE: 64 
> >                                                                 
> >                                                                 BLAS: 
> >                                                                 libblas 
> >                                                                 
> >                                                                 LAPACK: 
> liblapack 
> >                                                                 
> >                                                                 LIBM: 
> >                                                                 libm 
> >                                                                 
> >                                                                 LLVM: 
> >                                                                 
> libLLVM-3.3 
> >                                                                 
> >                                                                 and 
> >                                                                 here 
> >                                                                 is the 
> >                                                                 output 
> >                                                                 of 
> >                                                                 `pacman 
>  -Qi julia blas lapack` 
> >                                                                 Name     
>       : julia 
> >                                                                 Version 
>        : 2:0.3.3-1 
> >                                                                 
> Description    : High-level, high-performance, dynamic programming language 
> >                                                                 
> Architecture   : x86_64 
> >                                                                 URL     
>        : http://julialang.org/ 
> >                                                                 Licenses 
>       : GPL 
> >                                                                 Groups   
>       : None 
> >                                                                 Provides 
>       : None 
> >                                                                 Depends 
> On     : arpack  fftw  git  gmp  libunwind  mpfr  pcre  zlib  lapack 
> >                                                                 Optional 
> Deps  : gnuplot: If using the Gaston Package from julia [installed] 
> >                                                                 Required 
> By    : None 
> >                                                                 Optional 
> For   : None 
> >                                                                 
> Conflicts With : None 
> >                                                                 Replaces 
>       : None 
> >                                                                 
> Installed Size : 54741.00 KiB 
> >                                                                 Packager 
>       : Alexander F Rødseth <rod...@gmail.com> 
> >                                                                 Build 
> >                                                                 Date     
> : Thu 27 Nov 2014 01:54:38 PM CET 
> >                                                                 Install 
> Date   : Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:47:45 PM CET 
> >                                                                 Install 
> Reason : Explicitly installed 
> >                                                                 Install 
> Script : Yes 
> >                                                                 
> Validated By   : Signature 
> >                                                                 
> >                                                                 Name     
>       : blas 
> >                                                                 Version 
>        : 3.5.0-1 
> >                                                                 
> Description    : Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms 
> >                                                                 
> Architecture   : x86_64 
> >                                                                 URL     
>        : http://www.netlib.org/lapack 
> >                                                                 Licenses 
>       : custom 
> >                                                                 Groups   
>       : None 
> >                                                                 Provides 
>       : None 
> >                                                                 Depends 
> On     : gcc-libs 
> >                                                                 Optional 
> Deps  : None 
> >                                                                 Required 
> By    : lapack  suitesparse 
> >                                                                 Optional 
> For   : None 
> >                                                                 
> Conflicts With : None 
> >                                                                 Replaces 
>       : None 
> >                                                                 
> Installed Size : 375.00 KiB 
> >                                                                 Packager 
>       : Ronald van Haren <ron...@archlinux.org> 
> >                                                                 Build 
> >                                                                 Date     
> : Mon 27 Jan 2014 09:46:21 PM CET 
> >                                                                 Install 
> Date   : Tue 06 May 2014 05:38:07 PM CEST 
> >                                                                 Install 
> Reason : Installed as a dependency for another package 
> >                                                                 Install 
> Script : No 
> >                                                                 
> Validated By   : Signature 
> >                                                                 
> >                                                                 Name     
>       : lapack 
> >                                                                 Version 
>        : 3.5.0-1 
> >                                                                 
> Description    : Linear Algebra PACKage 
> >                                                                 
> Architecture   : x86_64 
> >                                                                 URL     
>        : http://www.netlib.org/lapack 
> >                                                                 Licenses 
>       : custom 
> >                                                                 Groups   
>       : None 
> >                                                                 Provides 
>       : None 
> >                                                                 Depends 
> On     : blas=3.5.0 
> >                                                                 Optional 
> Deps  : None 
> >                                                                 Required 
> By    : arpack  julia  python-numpy  python2-numpy  suitesparse 
> >                                                                 Optional 
> For   : None 
> >                                                                 
> Conflicts With : None 
> >                                                                 Replaces 
>       : None 
> >                                                                 
> Installed Size : 15612.00 KiB 
> >                                                                 Packager 
>       : Ronald van Haren <ron...@archlinux.org> 
> >                                                                 Build 
> >                                                                 Date     
> : Mon 27 Jan 2014 09:46:09 PM CET 
> >                                                                 Install 
> Date   : Tue 06 May 2014 05:38:07 PM CEST 
> >                                                                 Install 
> Reason : Installed as a dependency for another package 
> >                                                                 Install 
> Script : No 
> >                                                                 
> Validated By   : Signature 
> >                                                                 
> >                                                                 On 
> >                                                                 Tuesday, 
> December 16, 2014 2:16:10 AM UTC+1, Elliot Saba wrote: 
> >                                                                         
> If you didn't compile, then ignore my second message and Joao's.  Running 
> `versioninfo()` from the julia prompt will give some information about your 
> system configuration, and Valentin's question, (running `pacman  -Qi julia 
> blas lapack`) will be helpful to know the answer to as well. 
> >                                                                         
> -E 
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Valentin Churavy <v.ch...@gmail.com> 
> wrote: 
> >                                                                         
>         A fellow archuser here. Under which circumstances does the error 
> occur? Eg. what code are you executing? 
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         
>         And what does 
> >                                                                         
>         pacman -Qi julia blas lapack 
> >                                                                         
>         output> 
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         
>         On Monday, 15 December 2014 19:14:22 UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote: 
> >                                                                         
>                 Where do i need to type all this? I must mention that I did 
> not compile Julia from source, but used my distribution's (arch linux) 
> package manager (pacman). 
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         
>                 On December 15, 2014 6:15:09 PM CET, Elliot Saba <
> stati...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> >                                                                         
>                         Ah, yes.  If you haven't, try a `make -C deps 
> distclean arpack-julia distclean-openblas distclean-suitesparse`, then 
> `make cleanall` and finally `make`. 
> >                                                                         
>                         -E 
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         
>                         On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 9:11 AM, João Felipe Santos 
> <joao...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> >                                                                         
>                                 You may need to clean and rebuild the 
> dependencies as well as core Julia. 
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         
>                                 > On Dec 15, 2014, at 12:08 PM, Andrei 
> Berceanu <andreib...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> >                                                                         
>                                 > 
> >                                                                         
>                                 > Hi all, 
> >                                                                         
>                                 > 
> >                                                                         
>                                 > I recently upgraded to Julia Version 
> 0.3.3 on my Arch Linux box and sometimes get this strange error, followed 
> by a kernel crash - what gives? 
> >                                                                         
>                                 > 
> >                                                                         
>                                 > julia: symbol lookup error: 
> /usr/bin/../lib/julia/libcholmod.so: undefined symbol: zpotrf_ 
> >                                                                         
>                                 > 
> >                                                                         
>                                 > //A 
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         
> >                                                                         

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