I am still a lurker, not a user---although I hope to adopt julia in a year 
or so for my masters student at a B-school (wish me luck!).  teaching it in 
a class will force me to switch to julia.

I just looked at some random .jl files in the julia source.  they did not 
have a lot of documentation in them---maybe I looked at the wrong ones.  one 
aspect of a language that I think is important is standard doc integration. 
 [I always wished for some small knuth-like intelligently documented code, 
but none of my past languages had much.  (knuth's had too much.)]  perl's 
pod is reasonably good, although a bit clumsy (no easy one-liner pod docs). 
 some more standards would be good, too.  every function without a 
one-liner preceding it could give a warning, for example.  every file 
without an author could give a warning.  the julia module name should be 
automatically considered to be the package name, unless overridden (to 
avoid double-typing and out-of-sync).  and so on.  maybe this is all 
already there and I just did not see it.  the "julia docs" on the website 
did not have a section on "comments and user documentation".

one of the aspects that I liked about R was that the question mark gives 
longer documentation than julia does.  the best R doc parts are *always* 
the plenty of example uses towards the end.  I almost always go there 
first.  the "see also" pointers are also very good.  right now, I am 
looking at julia's ?linreg, and I wonder how I would get standard errors, 
predictions, etc.

one of the aspects that I did not like about R was that this was not easy 
to imitate with an end-user R program.  I would have liked to integrate 
similar "?myfun" for my end-user R function.

a second suggestion, also important to me (well, to me and to help my 

?R.lm  should tell me what the equivalent julia function for lm() is, or at 
least where I should start looking.
?ols could take an intelligent guess at what it is that the user wants to 
learn, rather than tell me it is not defined.

the first would be even more useful if we had a list of the most-used R 



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