Can someone point me to examples of C code in Julia packages ? I am using 
BinDeps to download two C++ libraries. After a lot of blind trial and error 
I have a build.jl that does what I need. But, I need to write a c wrapper 
for the C++ libraries.  One idea is to have BinDeps handle the build, if I 
can fool it into thinking it is an external library. But, I don't know how 
to do that. BinDeps seems to want to download something. I find it rather 
opaque. Otherwise I need to find a way to write most of what BinDeps does 
by hand for my C code: find paths to top level of the package and various 
sub dirs; do change dirs, making, copying, linking at run time, etc. I 
spent quite a bit of time searching julia-user, and -dev, grepping and 
finding in package trees, reading docs and source code,  etc. no luck. 


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