If you want to release an R package to CRAN, R Core will force you to check 
this by R CMD check:

- Compiled code should never terminate the R process within which it is 
running. Thus C/C++ calls to assert/abort/exit, Fortran calls to STOP and 
so on must be avoided. Nor may R code call q().

Le mercredi 24 décembre 2014 à 08:36 -0800, 良无 a écrit : 
> > In my origin C++ code, I use assert(), but if I want to use this code 
> > in Julia, maybe I need to replace it with other functions. In R, I can 
> > use Rcpp::stop(). Is there any easy way to do it in Julia with C or C 
> > ++ code. 
> IIUC, you want to raise a Julia exception from C code, right? 
> > And it seems that Julia does not have R CMD check like stuff yet. It 
> > does not check this kind of issue. 
> You mean, running a test suite? See 
> http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/stdlib/test/ 
> and how most packages do this, for example 
> https://github.com/JuliaStats/StatsBase.jl/tree/master/test 
> Regards 

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