I think the main takeaways from Dan's post are the following:

   - Figure out a better way to measure coverage and work towards 100%
   - Make a thorough pass over all Base code and carefully examine
   situations where we throw exceptions to make sure they are correct and can
   only ever happen if the caller made an error. Document the conditions under
   which each exported function may raise an exception.
   - Improve the readability of Julia's implementation code. Rename the
   less scrutable functions and variables. Add comments, add to the developer
   docs. It's not that much code, so this isn't that awful but it is some
   tricky code that's in flux.

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Tobias Knopp <tobias.kn...@googlemail.com>

> Stefan, ok. My advice was actually also constructive. I have tried various
> open source software in my life and there were several that were broken.
> But then I have simple not used it if I am not satisfied.
> I think it is clear that Julia's development model could be improved. But
> unless a company hires some full time developer to work on Julia a change
> in the development model is not easily done.
> Cheers
> Tobias
> Am Montag, 29. Dezember 2014 22:14:07 UTC+1 schrieb Stefan Karpinski:
>> Let's please take Dan's comments as a constructive critique (which it
>> is), rather than an attack. I know Dan personally and happen to know that
>> this is where he's coming from.
>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Tobias Knopp <tobias...@googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> So you dislike Julia and encountered several bugs. Reading your posts is
>>> like you want to blame someone for that. If you are not satisfied with
>>> Julia simply do not use it.
>>> And seriously: You cannot compare Julia with a project that has Google
>>> in the background. Its clear that they have a "more clear" development
>>> model and more documentation. Some goes for Rust. Julia is from and for
>>> researchers. And there are several people very satisfied with how Julia
>>> evolves (including me).
>>> Tobias
>>> Am Montag, 29. Dezember 2014 21:37:33 UTC+1 schrieb Dan Luu:
>>>> Here are a few responses to the stuff in this thread, plus Keno's
>>>> comment on HN.
>>>> The Travis stats are only for builds against master, i.e., only for
>>>> things that got merged. BTW, this is mentioned in the linked post. For
>>>> every project listed in http://danluu.com/broken-builds/, only the
>>>> "main" branch on github was used, with the exception of a couple
>>>> projects where that didn't make sense (IIRC, scala has some weird
>>>> setup, as does d). "Using travis less" doesn't really make sense in
>>>> that context. I heard that response a lot from people in various
>>>> communities when I wrote that post, but from checking the results, the
>>>> projects that have better travis results are more rigorous and, on
>>>> average, the results are biased against the projects with the highest
>>>> uptimes. There are exceptions, of course.
>>>> I have a "stable" .3 build I use for all my Julia scripts and IIRC
>>>> that's where I saw the dates issue with Gadfly. I dunno, maybe I
>>>> should only use older releases? But if I go to the Julia download
>>>> page, the options are 0.3.4, 0.2.1, and 0.1.2. This might not be true,
>>>> but I'm guessing that most packages don't work with 0.2.1 or 0.1.2. I
>>>> haven't tried with 0.3.4 since I haven't touched Julia for a while.
>>>> It's possible that the issue is now fixed, but the issue is still open
>>>> and someone else also commented that they're seeing the same problem.
>>>> Sorry, I'm not being a good open source citizen and filing bugs, but
>>>> when you run into 4 bugs when writing a half-hour script, filing bugs
>>>> is a drag on productivity. A comment I've gotten here and elsewhere is
>>>> basically "of course languages have bugs!". But there have been
>>>> multiple instances where I've run into more bugs in an hour of Julia
>>>> than I've ever hit with scala and go combined, and scala is even known
>>>> for being buggy! Between scala and go, I've probably spent 5x or 10x
>>>> the time I've spent in Julia. Just because some number will be
>>>> non-zero doesn't mean that all non-zero numbers are the same. There
>>>> are various reasons that's not a fair comparison. I'm just saying that
>>>> I expect to hit maybe one bug per hour while writing Julia, and I
>>>> expect maybe 1 bug per year for most languages, even pre-1.0 go.
>>>> I don't think 40 vs. 50 really changes the argument, but of course
>>>> I've been drifting down in github's ranking since I haven't done any
>>>> Julia lately and other people are committing code.
>>>> I don't think it's inevitable that language code is inscrutable. If I
>>>> grep through the go core code (excluding tests, but including
>>>> whitespace), it's 9% pure comment lines, and 16% lines with comments.
>>>> It could use more comments, but it's got enough comments (and
>>>> descriptive function and variable names) that I can go into most files
>>>> and understand the code.
>>>> It sounds like, as is, there isn't a good story for writing robust
>>>> Julia program? There are bugs and exceptions will happen. Putting
>>>> aside that `catch` non-deterministically fails to catch, what's a
>>>> program supposed to do when some bug in Base causes a method to throw
>>>> a bounds error? You've said that the error handling strategy is
>>>> go-like, but I basically never get a panic in go (I actually can't
>>>> recall it ever having happened, although it's possible I've gotten one
>>>> at some point). That's not even close to being true in Julia.
>>>> Terminating is fine for scripts where I just want to get at the source
>>>> of the bug and fix it, but it's not so great for programs that
>>>> shouldn't ever crash or corrupt data? Is the answer just "don't write
>>>> stuff like that in Julia"?
>>>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Stefan Karpinski <ste...@karpinski.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > There's lots of things that are very legitimate complaints in this
>>>> post but
>>>> > also other things I find frustrating.
>>>> >
>>>> > On-point
>>>> >
>>>> > Testing & coverage could be much better. Some parts of Base were
>>>> written a
>>>> > long time ago before we wrote tests for new code. Those can have a
>>>> scary
>>>> > lack of test coverage. Testing of Julia packages ranges from
>>>> non-existent to
>>>> > excellent. This also needs a lot of work. I agree that the the
>>>> current way
>>>> > of measuring coverage is nearly useless. We need a better approach.
>>>> >
>>>> > The package manager really, really needs an overhaul. This is my
>>>> fault and I
>>>> > take full responsibility for it. We've been waiting a frustratingly
>>>> long
>>>> > time for libgit2 integration to be ready to use. Last I checked, I
>>>> think
>>>> > there was still some Windows bug pending.
>>>> >
>>>> > Julia's uptime on Travis isn't as high as I would like it to be.
>>>> There have
>>>> > been a few periods (one of which Dan unfortunately hit), when Travis
>>>> was
>>>> > broken for weeks. This sucks and it's a relief whenever we fix the
>>>> build
>>>> > after a period like that. Fortunately, since that particularly bad
>>>> couple of
>>>> > weeks, there hasn't been anything like that, even on Julia master,
>>>> and we've
>>>> > never had Julia stable (release-0.3 currently) broken for any
>>>> significant
>>>> > amount of time.
>>>> >
>>>> > Documentation of Julia internals. This is getting a bit better with
>>>> the
>>>> > developer documentation that has recently been added, but Julia's
>>>> internals
>>>> > are pretty inscrutable. I'm not convinced that many other programming
>>>> > language implementations are any better about this, but that doesn't
>>>> mean we
>>>> > shouldn't improve this a lot.
>>>> >
>>>> > Frustrating
>>>> >
>>>> > Mystery Unicode bug - Dan, I've been hearing about this for months
>>>> now.
>>>> > Nobody has filed any issues with UTF-8 decoding in years (I just
>>>> checked).
>>>> > The suspense is killing me - what is this bug? Please file an issue,
>>>> no
>>>> > matter how vague it may be. Hell, that entire throwaway script can
>>>> just be
>>>> > the body of the issue and other people can pick it apart for specific
>>>> bugs.
>>>> >
>>>> > The REPL rewrite, among other things, added tests to the REPL. Yes,
>>>> it was a
>>>> > disruptive transition, but the old REPL needed to be replaced. It was
>>>> a
>>>> > massive pile of hacks around GNU readline and was incomprehensible
>>>> and
>>>> > impossible to test. Complaining about the switch to the new REPL
>>>> which is
>>>> > actually tested seems misplaced.
>>>> >
>>>> > Unlike Python, catching exceptions in Julia is not considered a valid
>>>> way to
>>>> > do control flow. Julia's philosophy here is closer to Go's than to
>>>> Python's
>>>> > - if an exception gets thrown it should only ever be because the
>>>> caller
>>>> > screwed up and the program may reasonably panic. You can use
>>>> try/catch to
>>>> > handle such a situation and recover, but any Julia API that requires
>>>> you to
>>>> > do this is a broken API. So the fact that
>>>> >
>>>> >> When I grepped through Base to find instances of actually catching
>>>> an
>>>> >> exception and doing something based on the particular exception, I
>>>> could
>>>> >> only find a single one.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > actually means that the one instance is actually a place where we're
>>>> doing
>>>> > it wrong and hacking around something we know to be broken. The next
>>>> move is
>>>> > to get rid of that one instance, not add more code like this. The UDP
>>>> thing
>>>> > is a problem and needs to be fixed.
>>>> >
>>>> > The business about fixing bugs getting Dan into the to 40 is weird.
>>>> It's not
>>>> > quite accurate - Dan is #47 by commits (I'm assuming that's the
>>>> metric here)
>>>> > with 28 commits, so he's in the top 50 but not the top 40. There are
>>>> 23
>>>> > people who have 100 commits or more, and that's roughly the group I
>>>> would
>>>> > consider to be the "core devs". This paragraph is frustrating because
>>>> it
>>>> > gives the imo unfair impression that not many people are working on
>>>> Julia.
>>>> > Having 23+ people working actively on a programming language
>>>> implementation
>>>> > is a lot.
>>>> >
>>>> > Ranking of how likely Travis builds are to fail by language doesn't
>>>> seem
>>>> > meaningful. A huge part of this is how aggressively each project uses
>>>> > Travis. We automatically test just about everything, even completely
>>>> > experimental branches. Julia packages can turn Travis testing on with
>>>> a flip
>>>> > of a switch. So lots of things are broken on Travis because we've
>>>> made it
>>>> > easy to use. We should, of course, fix these things, but other
>>>> projects
>>>> > having higher uptime numbers doesn't imply that they're more reliable
>>>> - it
>>>> > probably just means they're using Travis less.
>>>> >
>>>> > In general, a lot of Dan's issues only crop up if you are using Julia
>>>> > master. The Gadfly dates regression is probably like this and the two
>>>> weeks
>>>> > of Travis failures was only on master during a "chaos month" - i.e. a
>>>> month
>>>> > where we make lots of reckless changes, typically right after
>>>> releasing a
>>>> > stable version (in this case it was right after 0.3 came out). These
>>>> days,
>>>> > I've seen a lot of people using Julia 0.3 for work and it's pretty
>>>> smooth
>>>> > (package management is by far the biggest issue and I just take care
>>>> of that
>>>> > myself). If you're a normal language user, you definitely should not
>>>> be
>>>> > using Julia master.

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