Glad to be of help :)

On Wednesday, 31 December 2014 10:15:14 UTC+1, Tomas Lycken wrote:
> Actually, I do know `d` at compile time - I just hadn't grok-ed quoting 
> and interpolation well enough to understand how to convey that in code. As 
> it turns out, what I needed was to create a *symbol* for `d`, so that the 
> interpolation would get back its *value*: `$(matching(:d))` does the trick.
> Thanks for kicking me in the right direction =)
> // T
> On Tuesday, December 30, 2014 10:09:01 PM UTC+1, Valentin Churavy wrote:
>> So I do not totally understand the goal of what you are trying to 
>> achieve, but could you try to do this with a macro?
>> macro value(d)
>> @show d
>> quote
>> println("d at runtime ", $d)
>> end
>> end
>> @ngenerate N T function example{T,N}(A::Array{T,N}, xs::NTuple{N,Real}...)
>>     @nexprs N dim->begin
>>         @nexprs N d->begin
>>             @value(d)
>>         end
>>     end
>> end
>> example(rand(2,2), 1.5, 0.7)
>> So at least the value of d is know at the time when the macro value is 
>> run and you could then call expression generating code based on that value. 
>> dispatching on types of some additional arguments
>> That sounds like you should/could use staged functions for that.  
>> On Tuesday, 30 December 2014 17:59:37 UTC+1, Tomas Lycken wrote:
>>> I’m doing some metaprogramming for Interpolations.jl, and I’m getting 
>>> stuck at an error that I think is due to scoping issues in my nested 
>>> quotes, and I’ve stared at this for so long now I’m not getting anywhere.
>>> I can do the following
>>> matching(d) = quote
>>>     println("Matching: ", $d)
>>> end
>>> nonmatching(d) = quote
>>>     println("Not matching: ", $d)
>>> end
>>> @ngenerate N T function example{T,N}(A::Array{T,N}, xs::NTuple{N,Real}...)
>>>     @nexprs N dim->begin
>>>         @nexprs N d->begin
>>>             if d==dim
>>>                 eval(matching(d))
>>>             else
>>>                 eval(nonmatching(d))
>>>             end
>>>         end
>>>     end
>>> end
>>> example(rand(2,2), 1.5, 0.7)
>>> and get the expected output:
>>> Matching: 1
>>> Not matching: 2
>>> Not matching: 1
>>> Matching: 2
>>> Examining with macroexpand, I see that the eval calls are still there, 
>>> but for performance reasons I want to avoid them, so I try to rewrite it to 
>>> use eval(ngenerate(...)) instead of @ngenerate ...:
>>> #matching and nonmatching defined as before
>>> ex = ngenerate(
>>>     :N,
>>>     :T,
>>>     :(example{T,N}(A::Array{T,N}, xs::NTuple{N,Real}...)),
>>>     N->quote
>>>         @nexprs $N dim->begin
>>>             @nexprs $N d->begin
>>>                 if d==dim
>>>                     $(matching(d))
>>>                 else
>>>                     $(notmatching(d))
>>>                 end
>>>             end
>>>         end
>>>     end
>>> )
>>> eval(ex)
>>> example(rand(2,2), 1.5, 0.7)
>>> But this doesn’t work: I get ERROR: d not defined on $(matching(d)) 
>>> (and, if I comment that one out, $(nonmatching(d))). I’ve tried 
>>> $(matching($d)) (ERROR: error compiling anonymous: syntax: prefix $ in 
>>> non-quoted expression) as well as $(matching(esc(d))) and 
>>> $(esc(matching(d))) (both ERROR: d not defined), and I’m at a loss for 
>>> what to try (these errors are all thrown at the stage of *defining* the 
>>> quoted expression, so macroexpand hasn’t helped me here either, as I 
>>> don’t get any expression to call it on…).
>>> Eventually, this will be used to do different things for different array 
>>> dimensions like here, but with both matching and nonmatching also 
>>> dispatching on types of some additional arguments that I left out for 
>>> simplicity, and choosing expressions by means of multiple dispatch this way 
>>> is really at the core of Interpolations.jl, so I can’t move the contents of 
>>> matching and nonmatching out of their respective functions.
>>> Thanks in advance for any ideas that get me forward,
>>> // Tomas
>>> ​

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