Sorry, doesn't seem to work:

a = rand(10)

b = rand(10)

c = rand(10)

d = rand(10)

p = plot(x=a, y=b)

push!(p.layers, layer(x=c, y=d))

`convert` has no method matching convert(::Type{Layer}, ::Array{Layer,1})
while loading In[185], in expression starting on line 9

 in push! at array.jl:457

As an aside, is there a way to do something like:

[a b c d] = rand(10,4)


On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 11:01:36 AM UTC-6, Daniel Jones wrote:
> It's not really supported. Adding a "push!" function to add layers to 
> plots was proposed (, but 
> I haven't done so yet. In fact, adding layers to a plot p will usually work 
> with "push!(p.layers, layer(...))", but that's kind of an unofficial 
> solution.

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