There really isn't. We use in julia, and presumably that could be 
come standard.

I really wish we could have a mechanism, where Pkg.publish() prompts you 
for a NEWS update, appends it to, and then also submits it as part 
of the PR - so that when merging in METADATA.jl, one can see what new 
features or fixes come as part of that particular package update.


On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 7:43:36 PM UTC-8, wrote:
> Is there a standard method for declaring a package's changes in a package 
> NEWS file? Couldn't find anything in Julia docs. I think some packages use 
> a file at the top level (e.g. DataFrames, Gadfly, Distributions), 
> but others do not (e.g. Dates, Optim). 

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