Also encountered it. Same question as op asked.

On Sunday, February 23, 2014 6:47:55 AM UTC-8, Uwe Fechner wrote:
> Hello,
> if I enter:
> using PyCall
> @pyimport pylab as plt
> I get the warning:
> Warning: imported binding for transpose overwritten in module __anon__
> I am using Julia 0.21 on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit with numpy 1.8.0 and
> matplotlib 1.3.1.
> Can I safely ignore this warning, or could this cause any problems later 
> on?
> Plotting currently works for me (on one of my 5 machines) as long as I 
> stick to the TkAgg backend.
> Best regards:
> Uwe Fechner

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