Strange. The code you posted above works for me on Julia0.2 and Julia0.3

You can use `reinterpret` to cast the bits of one numeric type into another.

On Sat Jan 03 2015 at 10:09:44 AM Andreas Lobinger <>

> Hello colleagues,
> most probably i overlooked it, how can i output a float (float64, double
> etc) in hex form (somehow raw)?
> (longer story ...
> I'm doubting some output of a Gtk callback function which should report
> screen coordinates in float64, but values as integers e.g. 2.0 3.0 etc. A
> Gtk programm in C reports via printf exactly this, while in julia Gtk i get
> m 0.588928 3.045471
> m 1.588928 3.045471
> m 2.588928 3.045471
> m 2.588928 2.045471
> m 3.588928 2.045471
> m 4.588928 2.045471
> m 5.588928 2.045471
> m 5.588928 3.045471
> m 6.588928 7.045471
> m 8.588928 9.045471
> m 8.588928 10.045471)
> with
> julia> using Gtk
> julia> c = Gtk.@GtkCanvas(200,200);
> julia> w = Gtk.@GtkWindow(c);
> julia> show(c);
> julia> c.mouse.motion = (w,e) -> begin
>        @printf("m %f %f\n", e.x, e.y)
>        end
> Wishing a happy day,
>        Andreas

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