Reading the code, there is also a `indent` option, i thought it accepted a 
boolean, but not, I find it very unintuitive:

dump(io::IO, x, n::Int, indent) = xdump(dump, io, x, n, indent)

julia> dump(:(1 + 1 * 3 - 4^7), 10, false)
false  head: Symbol call
false  args: Array(Any,(3,))
false    1: Symbol -
false    2: Expr 
false      head: Symbol call
false      args: Array(Any,(3,))
false        1: Symbol +
false        2: Int32 1
false        3: Expr 
false          head: Symbol call
false          args: Array(Any,(3,))
false            1: Symbol *
false            2: Int32 1
false            3: Int32 3
false          typ: Any
false      typ: Any
false    3: Expr 
false      head: Symbol call
false      args: Array(Any,(3,))
false        1: Symbol ^
false        2: Int32 4
false        3: Int32 7
false      typ: Any
false  typ: Any

And once can't use this argument, as a keyword argument:

julia> dump(:(1 + 1 * 3 - 4^7), indent="--->")
ERROR: function dump does not accept keyword arguments

Keyword arguments are slow? Or why are the not used that much throughout 
the API?

El domingo, 4 de enero de 2015 09:53:35 UTC-6, Ismael VC escribió:
> julia> begin
>            @show vara = 33
>            @show varb = vara * 14
>            @show varc = varb * 77
>        end
> vara = 33 = 33
> varb = vara * 14 = 462
> varc = varb * 77 = 35574
> 35574
> On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 5:47 AM, Mike Innes <> wrote:
>> Have you met @show?
>> On 4 January 2015 at 11:10, <> wrote:
>>> I think you need a macro, something like:
>>> macro printvar(var)
>>>        return :(print($(string(var))); print("="); println($var))
>>> end
>>> julia> a=2
>>> 2
>>> julia> @printvar a
>>> a=2
>>> Cheers
>>> Lex
>>> On Sunday, January 4, 2015 8:48:27 PM UTC+10, Arch Call wrote:
>>>> I frequently find myself writing Julia snippet scripts like this:
>>>>  vara = 33
>>>> varb = vara * 14
>>>> varc = varb * 77
>>>> println(“varb = “, varb) #--debug print
>>>> println(“varc = “, varc) #--debug print
>>>>  I would like to eliminate having to enter the variable name twice
>>>> in the debug print lines by using a function.
>>>>  I have tried all kinds of variations of a debug print function like:
>>>>  function debugprint(somevar)
>>>> println(“???? = ”, somevar)
>>>> end
>>>>  What can I put in place of “????” to get the actual Symbol of the 
>>>> variable being passed to debugprint?

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