Very neat. Just in case this gets posted to the interwebz, it is worth
pointing out that the performance advantage for Julia can probably be
explained by differences in the underlying RNG. We use dsFMT, which is
known to be one of (if not the?) fastest MT libraries around. I could not
find any published comparisons in a quick google, but based on this test
harness [1], dsFMT may be significantly faster than std::mt19937:

ihnorton@julia:~/tmp/cpp-random-test$ ./random-real
C++11 : 2.34846
Boost : 0.371674
dSFMT : 0.281255
GSL   : 0.649981


On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 10:12 AM, <> wrote:

> Oh, and, (I forgot to mention!)  the Julia code runs much faster.
> On Monday, January 5, 2015 3:56:07 PM UTC+1, wrote:
>> Hi, here is a comparison of Julia and C++ for simulating a random walk
>> <>.
>> It is the first Julia program I wrote. I just pushed it to github.
>> --John

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