Le lundi 05 janvier 2015 à 19:16 -0800, ele...@gmail.com a écrit :
> My reasoning for Nullable{T} is that it is type stable.  Taking your
> example, None and Int would be different type objects, introducing a
> type instability and potential performance penalty.  But Nullable{T}
> is always type Nullable{T} and get(Nullable{T}) is always type T.
>  Allowing Nullable{T} to decay into T would re-introduce the type
> instability.
Right. But that doesn't mean `Nullable(3) == 3` shouldn't return `true`.
This operation could be allowed, provided that `Nullable{Int}() == 3`
raised a `NullException` or returned `Nullable{Bool}()`.

Regarding the original question:
> On Tuesday, January 6, 2015 12:03:24 PM UTC+10, Seth wrote:
>         I'm trying to figure out how (and under what circumstances)
>         one would use Nullable. That is, it seems that it might be
>         valuable when you don't know whether the value/object exists
>         (sort of like Python's None, I guess), but then something like
>         "Nullable(3) == 3" returns false, and that sort of messes up
>         how I'm thinking about it.
>         The code I'd imagine would be useful would be something like
>         function foo(x::Int, y=Nullable{Int}())  # that is, y defaults
>         to python's "None" but is restricted to Int
>             if !isnull(y)
>                 return x+y  # x + get(y) works, but why must we invoke
>         another method to get the value?
>             else
>                 return 2x
>             end
>         end
>         I'm left wondering why it wasn't reasonable to allow y to
>         return get(y) if not null, else raise a NullException,
The question is how you define "return". In the strict sense, if you
write `return y`, then `y` must be returned, not `get(y)`, or the Julia
language would really be a mess.

That said, with return type declarations, if `foo()::Int` allowed
stating that `foo()` always returns an `Int`, then `y` could
automatically be converted to an `Int`, raising an exception if it's
`null`. But that merely allows you to type `return y` instead of
`return get(y)`, so not a big deal.

Finally, there's the question of whether `x + y` should be allowed to
mean `x + get(y)`. That's debatable, but I think a more useful behavior
would be to make it equivalent to
`isnull(y) ? Nullable(x + get(y)) : Nullable{Int}()`. That would allow
handling the possibility of missingness only when you actually want to
get an `Int` from a `Nullable{Int}`.

This has been discussed more generally for any function call at

>         and the conclusion I'm coming to is that I don't understand
>         the concept of Nullable yet. Any pointers?


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