I'm trying to replicate the interface of some MATLAB code I use frequently. 
Because functions in MATLAB have knowledge of their "output arguments", 
different behaviors can occur if an assignment is used or not (i.e. `a = 
foo()` can do something different than just `foo()`). Specifically, the 
interface I'm trying to replicate displays a plot with no output arguments, 
and otherwise returns the data. 

In Python, I'd use a kwarg `plot=False`. What's the most Julian way of 
doing this? I have two thoughts right now:

1. Use a kwarg. `foo(...)` returns the data, `foo(..., plot=true)` creates 
a plot and returns nothing (or the plot handle?).

2. Create a `@plot` macro that sets a global `PLOT` boolean variable. This 
indicates to the functions it's configured to work with that the data 
should be plotted. The use would be: `@plot foo(...)`, which generates the 
PLOT = true
PLOT = false
This could also be modified to return the plot handle at the end of the 
block. While I tend to like this interface more than #1, it's also more 
magical, which is bad.

3. Create a `@plot` macro that somehow knows how to plot each function (a 
registry of some kind?). Then the function needs no knowledge of how to 
plot itself, and the macro is just a fast way of writing in the plotting 
code. Use is `@plot foo(...)`, which expands to
data = foo(...)
plotting code here...

4. Create a separate function `fooplot`. `foo` returns the data. `fooplot` 
runs foo, and creates a plot.

Out of all of these, I like option #3 best, but want to use the most Julian 
way of doing things as possible. Thoughts?


Also, is there a good way to only load the plotting package (Gadfly, 
Winston, etc...) when it's first used? Loading these takes a long time; it 
would be nice if they could only be loaded upon the first call to `plot`.

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