Try putting it in a function:

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 8:38 PM, Rodolfo Santana <>

> I am showing a Julia code below. The goal is just to calculate x in the
> end of the code and calculate how long it takes Julia to calculate x. In
> Julia, it takes about 1e-3 seconds. This is very surprising to me. I wrote
> the same code in Matlab and it only takes 2e-6 seconds and in Python it
> takes 5e-6 seconds. Is there any way to speed up this calculation in Julia?
> I couldn't find the answer on the internet, any help would be much
> appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> -Rodolfo
> # Electron mass in grams
> m_e = 9.1094e-28
> # Speed of light in cm/sec
> c = 2.9979e10
> # Electron momentum direction in Cartesian coordinates
> v10elec = 1.0/sqrt(2.0)
> v20elec = -1.0/sqrt(3.0)
> v30elec = 1.0/sqrt(6.0)
> # Photon momentum direction in Cartesian coordinates
> omega_one_phot = -1.0/sqrt(3.0)
> omega_two_phot = 1.0/sqrt(4.0)
> omega_three_phot = sqrt(5.0/12.0)
> # Dimensionless electron speed and Lorentz factor
> beta_e = 0.98 ;
> gamma_e = 1.0/sqrt(1-beta_e*beta_e)
> # Photon energy in ergs
> E_phot_comv = 1.6022e-9
> # Angle between electron and photon momentum
> mu = v10elec*omega_one_phot + v20elec*omega_two_phot +
> v30elec*omega_three_phot
> # Dimensionless energy of photon in electron rest frame
> tic()
> x = (2.0*gamma_e*E_phot_comv*(1-mu*beta_e))/(m_e*c*c)
> toc()

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