is calling BLAS under the hood so it's calling fast code and I 
wouldn't expect Julia to shine against it. Try calling numpy methods that 
aren't thin wrappers around C and you should see a bigger difference. Or 
implement a larger more complex algorithm. Here's a simple micro-benchmark I 
did recently of Julia vs np.vander:

Not large, but maybe a bit more illustrative.


On Jan 8, 2015, at 1:27 PM, Dakota St. Laurent wrote:

> hi all, I've been trying to test some simple benchmarks for my new job to see 
> what language we should use between Python (Numpy/Scipy) and Julia. I like 
> how simple it seems for Julia to do things in parallel (we plan to be running 
> code on a supercomputer using lots and lots of cores), but I'm not getting 
> the ideal benchmarks. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here.
> Python code:
> import time, numpy as np
> N = 25000
> A = np.random.rand(N,N)
> x = np.random.rand(N)
> t0 = time.clock()
> print time.clock() - t0
> --------------------------------
> Julia code:
> function rand_mat_vec_mul(A::Array{Float64, 2}, x::Array{Float64,1})
>   tic()
>   A * x
>   toc()
> end
> # warmup
> rand_mat_vec_mul(rand(1000,1000), rand(1000))
> rand_mat_vec_mul(rand(1000,1000), rand(1000))
> rand_mat_vec_mul(rand(1000,1000), rand(1000))
> # timing
> rand_mat_vec_mul(rand(25000,25000), rand(25000))
> ---------------------------
> Python generally takes about 0.630 - 0.635 seconds, Julia generally takes 
> about 0.640 - 0.650 seconds. as I said, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, 
> I'm just not really sure what. any help is appreciated :)

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