Not sure if this is very helpful, but I think `roots` would be a great name 
to use instead of `zero`.

You could maybe use `stepresponse` instead of `step`, but it's a little 
hard to parse with Julia's squishedcase convention.

On Monday, January 12, 2015 at 11:09:54 AM UTC-8, James Crist wrote:
> I'm currently writing a control theory package for Julia. The MATLAB 
> control theory toolbox has been around forever, and is *the standard* 
> grammar for the field. Almost all control theory packages in other 
> languages just replicate the same set of functions, with the same names. 
> The function names are so hardcoded into me, that I'm reluctant to change 
> them.
> That said, several of them conflict with Julia base function names. For 
> example:
> `zero(sys::LTISystem)` would compute the zeros of the system in MATLAB, 
> but in Julia this should create the "zero-valued" system
> `step(sys::LTISystem)` computes the step-response, but in julia it gives 
> the step for a range
> There are others as well. I see two options here:
> 1.) I begrudgingly rename them, and attempt to retrain my muscle-memory 
> when writing code :/
> 2.) Some functions don't do what they do in julia base for these types
> #1 probably is for the best, but I'm wondering what the community response 
> is to this? I come from a heavy Python background, and without namespaces, 
> I'm not sure how to handle function name-clashing best.

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