I am trying to port following simple Matlab code into Julia to get *mu* M=500 m_plus=M*0.2; m_0=M*0.1; m_minus=M*0.7; mu_plus=0.15+0.5*(1:m_plus)/m_plus; mu_minus=-3*(1:m_minus)/m_minus; mu_0=zeros(1,m_0); *mu*=[mu_plus mu_0 mu_minus] However, with Julia, this is never a simple task because of the too sensitive type specification. I have no problem upto line 6 but I had error on line 7 or zeros(). `Array{T,N}` has no method matching Array{T,N}(::Type{Float64}, ::Int64, ::Float64) while loading In[121], in expression starting on line 1 in zeros at array.jl:170 It worked when I changed 50.0 into 50 in zeros() and I made change in code to convert float into integer with convert() and :: convert(Int32,m_0); m_0= m_0::Int32 but not works The second error was concatenation. mu_plus=0.15+0.5*(1:m_plus)/m_plus; mu_minus=-3*(1:m_minus)/m_minus; mu_0=zeros(1,50); mu=[mu_plus mu_0 mu_minus] number of rows must match while loading In[133], in expression starting on line 4 in hcat at abstractarray.jl:571 This may be the reason of different date type as well. The type of mu_plus and mu_minus are FloatRange{Float64} (constructor with 1 method), while that of mu_0 is Array{Float64,2} Could you let be know the basics that I still need to practice? Many thanks.