Oops, that's right, `call` only exists in 0.4. Probably the quickest
way to make this work in 0.3 is to write `call(f, x)` instead of
`f(x)` where needed.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 10:14 PM, Keith Mason <keith.ma...@conning.com> wrote:
> When I try this, I get an error:
> ERROR: type: test2: in apply, expected Function, got
> CFunction{Float64,Float64}
> It looks like "call" doesn't exist in version 0.3.  I suppose I need 0.4 to
> make this work.  It doesn't appear from the docs that call used to be named
> something else.
> On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 4:54:08 PM UTC-6, Jeff Bezanson wrote:
>> Here is a hack that basically works by escaping through the C type system:
>> ```
>> immutable CFunction{R,A}
>>     f
>>     p::Ptr{Void}
>>     CFunction(f) = new(f, cfunction(f, R, (A,)))
>> end
>> call{R,A}(f::CFunction{R,A}, x) = ccall(f.p, R, (A,), x)
>> foo(x::Float64) = 0.0
>> goo(x::Float64) = x
>> function test1()
>>     for i=1:100000000
>>         f = foo
>>         r = f(1.0)
>>         goo(r)
>>     end
>> end
>> function test2()
>>     f = CFunction{Float64,Float64}(foo)
>>     for i=1:100000000
>>         r = f(1.0)
>>         goo(r)
>>     end
>> end
>> ```
>> I added an argument to `foo` to increase the generality somewhat.
>> test1() is the original test case. test2() is the new version. The
>> CFunction object needs to be constructed outside the loop, but this
>> can be stored in a data structure and reused anywhere.
>> -Jeff
>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 4:34 PM, Ivar Nesje <iva...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Originally posted at https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/9863
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