
I've just read up on most recent conversations mentioning plotting, after I 
went through a similar install-and-try-out cycle for the various plotting 

I am busy with a package named ROC <https://github.com/davidavdav/ROC> 
Operating Characteristic).  It is mostly about decision cost functions and 
efficiently computing ROC statistics, but there is also some support for 
making various plots related to the ROC. 

I do not want to decide for a potential user of this package which plotting 
package she should use.  So it would be nice if there would be an abstract 
plotting API (I suppose this does not exist yet). 

Supposing that it is possible to make an API that includes some common 
plotting primitives, and that makes a runtime selection based on 
`isdefined(plottingpackagename)`, how would you 
 - overload a function, typically `plot()`, when at module-include time it 
is not yet known which plotting package the user wants
 - specify the dependence of this package to any one of the available 
plotting packages.  




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