Syntactically you're still missing a comma between the loop variables. 
Semantically that's not how the double for loop works.

Try either

julia> for i = 1:length(x)
           println(x[i], y[i])


julia> for (i, j) in zip(x, y)
           println(i, j)

Den tisdag 27 januari 2015 kl. 11:46:03 UTC+1 skrev paul analyst:
> ;) it is 100 steps.
> I need 10 steps driven by 2 vectors x and y
> julia> l=193
> 193
> julia> x=int(rand(10)*l)
> 10-element Array{Int64,1}:
>  126
>   70
>  132
>   51
>   77
>  138
>   94
>  150
>  142
>   93
> julia> y=int(rand(10)*l)
> 10-element Array{Int64,1}:
>  170
>  111
>   93
>  126
>   77
>  135
>   24
>  182
>   45
>  179
> julia> for i in [x] j in [y]
>        println(x,y)
>        end
> ERROR: j not defined
>  in anonymous at no file:1
> What wrong here ?
> Pau;

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