This issue will fix itself when `a[r]` returns a subarray with 0.4 (this 
hasn't landed in master yet, and reminds me that the pending change will 
require a huge documentation effort that change affect APIs).

The improved garbage collection that was merged in master recently will 
likely greatly reduce the performance penalty for such short lived 


søndag 1. februar 2015 11.53.02 UTC+1 skrev følgende:
> I realize this is a more developer issue, but I'm wondering if anyone else 
> thinks it would be a good idea for select! to be changed to not return A[r] 
> (which allocates memory).
> I think it could return (A[r.start], A[r.stop]), sub(A, r) or even 
> nothing.  As it stands it seems like a performance penalty that can be 
> avoided since the rest of the function should operate on memory in place. 
> In my own project I've made a local copy of select for this reason and 
> taken out the return value.

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