I don't understand your domain of course, but the way I'd do this would be 
a slight variant of OPTION 1

get_forces(a::AbstractAtom) = error("All AbstractAtom subtypes should 
implement get_forces")
get_forces(a::Atom) = get_forces(a.calc)

I think the point to ponder is, what amount of commonality does all 
possible Atoms contain? 


On Wednesday, 4 February 2015 15:16:02 UTC, Christoph Ortner wrote:
> I am trying to re-structure a molecular simulation code I've been working 
> on, to make it more readily extendable. I am puzzling over how to do this 
> most effectively in Julia, and would appreciate any thoughts from more 
> experienced Julia programmers. I am roughly trying to mimic the structure 
> of CAMPOS ASE ( a Python package ).
> The main type that contains the simulation state is 
>    abstract AbstractAtoms
> The simplest sub-type is (here a simplified version)
>     type Atoms
>         X::Array{Float64, 2}    #  positions of atoms
>         calc                             #  calculator for computing 
> energies, forces, etc
>         neigs                           # neighbourlist
>         precon                         # preconditioner
>     end
> but there could be many other sub-types that store atom positions 
> differently, or live on manifolds, or contain information for continuum 
> mechanics boundary conditions, etc.
> I now need functions that depends on the type of the atoms object and on 
> the type of calculator object.  (for example). 
> OPTION 1:    At the moment, my thinking is that I can do
>    function get_forces(atoms::AbstractAtoms)
>        return get_forces(atoms, atoms.calc)
>    end
> and the type of `atoms` and of `atoms.calc` will then determine which 
> function is called. This feels a bit clunky to be honest, but looks like 
> the best way to go?
> OPTION 2:  Another thought that I had, was to define
>    type Atoms{CT, NT, PT}
>         X::Array{Float64, 2}    #  positions of atoms
>         calc::CT                             #  calculator for computing 
> energies, forces, etc
>         neigs::NT                           # neighbourlist
>         precon::PT                         # preconditioner
>     end
>    function get_forces(atoms::Atoms{MyCalculator,NT,PT})
>        # . . .
>    end
> and to determine the type of the calculator this way. The problem there is 
> that I cannot give AbstractAtoms the parameters {CT, NT, PT} because other 
> sub-types might use a different, possibly longer, possibly shorter list of 
> parameters.
> I'd be very grateful for any advise what sort of constructions would be 
> the most convenient / useful to try out here.
> Many thanks,
>     Christoph

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