I have a C function that expects an opaque void* pointer to hold some user 
data. This is specifically about a small problem with Sundials.jl, but it's 
also unclear to me generally.

How do I safely pass a Julia value to the function? What are the 
conventions? The value will later be passed to Julia callbacks, so it needs 
to remain valid forever. I don't mind leaking it, if necessary.

The function CVodeUserData in Sundials.jl expects either

(Ptr{None}, Ptr{None})


(Ptr{None}, Any)

(the 2nd argument is the Julia value, the first is library's internal 

Which of these is correct? The original code for CVodeUserDataB seems to 
use Ptr{None} (why not Ptr{Void} or Any?), but I keep getting an error 
saying that my Julia has no method matching convert(::Type{Ptr{Union()}}, 

Is Any the correct type for a Julia value to be passed to C? Will the value 
be moved or deallocated?

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