It's not really relevant to Julia, but there are many who would argue that 
there should be a base unit for angles. My personal favorite consequence of 
this choice is that Torque and Energy appear to have the same units.

For example:

Issue 10: the SI needs a base unit of angle ‘Angle’ is as tangible a 
geometric quantity as length, but the SI does not have a corresponding base 
quantity or unit for angle. The radian is a derived unit in the SI, defined 
from the identity s = r · θ (in which r is the radius of a circle and s is 
the length of the arc subtended by the angle θ ). From this definition, the 
radian has the unit m/m, and is said to be a dimensionless derived unit 
[34]. This definition has several undesirable consequences for rotational 
quantities, for example the SI unit for a rate of rotation is a ‘per 
second’, without any reference to the angle through which rotation takes 
place, or its unit [50]. There is ongoing confusion in textbooks about when 
radian units should be inserted or deleted in quantity expressions [51, 

>From The next 50 years of the SI: a review of the opportunities for the 
e-Science age 

On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 11:05:00 AM UTC-7, Kevin Squire wrote:
> (Sorry, I missed the bottom of your message where you distinguish 
> "dimensionless" and "unitless".)
> On Monday, March 2, 2015, Gustavo Goretkin < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Radian has dimensions of [(arc) length] / [(radius) length], so it's 
>> dimensionless because the two dimensions of [length] cancel out. 
>> Turn has dimensions of [(arc) length] / [(circumference) length], so it's 
>> just as dimensionless as Radian, right? 
>> seems to 
>> make a distinction between "dimension(less)" and "unit(less)". I think it 
>> could make sense to have types to distinguish among different dimensionless 
>> quantities that have different units.
>> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 10:38:12 AM UTC-5, Stefan Karpinski 
>> wrote:
>>> I rather like the Degree type idea. Radians are unitless so they don't 
>>> need a type – i.e. PiMultiple is just the default for all trig functions. 
>>> You could, however, also have things angular units like Turns.
>>> On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 7:48 AM, Johan Sigfrids <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Oh, you beat me to it. I was just about to say that using a Degree type 
>>>> and dispatching on it would be a lot more Julian. In fact, I had this 
>>>> great 
>>>> idea on how to use the degree sign to construct degrees:
>>>> module DegreeModule
>>>> export Degree, DegreeSign, °
>>>> immutable Degree{T<:Number} <:Number
>>>>     d::T
>>>> end
>>>> immutable DegreeSign
>>>>     filler::Bool
>>>> end
>>>> const ° = DegreeSign(true)
>>>> *(num::Number, s::DegreeSign) = Degree(num)
>>>> Base.sin(d::Degree) = sinpi(d.d/180)
>>>> end
>>>> Then it would Just Work™:
>>>> using DegreeModule
>>>> Degree(125)       # ==> Degree{Int64}(125)
>>>> 130°              # ==> Degree{Int64}(130)
>>>> sin(180°)         # ==> 0.0
>>>> I'm not familiar enough with Julia to know if that is the best way to 
>>>> construct the degree sign functionality, but I thought it was kinda 
>>>> elegant. 
>>>> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 12:18:38 PM UTC+2, Simon Byrne wrote:
>>>>> As I understand it, the original reason for the degree functions was 
>>>>> for matlab compatibility, but they were later modified (and pi-multiple 
>>>>> functions sinpi/cospi introduced) so as to be more accurate outside the 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> interval [-pi/2,pi/2], as Ivar points out. Note that we haven't improved 
>>>>> on 
>>>>> the naive approach on values within this interval, e.g. 
>>>>> julia> sind(30)
>>>>> 0.49999999999999994
>>>>> Matlab gets this wrong as well, but lies about it:
>>>>> >> sind(30)
>>>>> ans =
>>>>>     0.5000
>>>>> >> sind(30)-0.5
>>>>> ans =
>>>>>   -5.5511e-17
>>>>> As to their use, I don't know about the degree functions, but the 
>>>>> sinpi/cospi functions are actually used internally in a couple of places, 
>>>>> in the definition of sinc and a couple of the bessel functions.
>>>>> However that doesn't mean the interface couldn't be improved. One 
>>>>> possible approach I've been thinking about is defining "degree" and 
>>>>> "pi-multiple" types
>>>>> immutable Degree <: Real
>>>>>   deg::Float64
>>>>> end
>>>>> immutable PiMultiple <: Real
>>>>>   mult::Float64
>>>>> end
>>>>> In this way we could leverage multiple dispatch: i.e. sind(x) becomes 
>>>>> sin(Degree(x)) and sinpi(x) becomes sin(PiMultiple(x)). Of course, since 
>>>>> julia doesn't (yet) provide a way to dispatch on return types, there's 
>>>>> not 
>>>>> an easy way to define the corresponding inverse functions, but this is 
>>>>> typically less of an issue in terms of numerical error due to the 
>>>>> constrained output range (the exception being atan2, where something 
>>>>> like this could be very useful 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> .
>>>>> Simon
>>>>> On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 08:42:59 UTC, Ivar Nesje wrote:
>>>>>> Hans W Borchers: Your definition is not equivalent.
>>>>>> julia> sin(pi) 
>>>>>> 1.2246467991473532e-16 
>>>>>> julia> sind(180) 
>>>>>> 0.0
>>>>>> julia> sinpi(1) 
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>> julia> sin(big(pi)) 
>>>>>> 1.096917440979352076742130626395698021050758236508687951179005716992142688513354e-77
>>>>>> with 256 bits of precision
>>>>>> The answer for sin(pi) is somewhat correct, because float(pi) is not 
>>>>>> the π you know from mathematics. It is the closest representable *IEEE 
>>>>>> 754* floating point number.
>>>>>> Ivar
>>>>>> kl. 09:31:42 UTC+1 onsdag 5. februar 2014 skrev Hans W Borchers 
>>>>>> følgende:
>>>>>>> You could easily add these two lines of function definitions to your 
>>>>>>> code.
>>>>>>>     sind(x) = sin(degrees2radians(x))
>>>>>>>     cosd(x) = cos(degrees2radians(x))
>>>>>>> and your haversine function stands as is, not littered with 
>>>>>>> conversions.
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 6:55:13 PM UTC+1, Jacob Quinn wrote:
>>>>>>>> As someone who doesn't have to work with the functions very often 
>>>>>>>> or deal with degrees/radians conversions, I actually have found it 
>>>>>>>> convenient to have the sind functions. It saves me time from having to 
>>>>>>>> remember what the conversion is or make my code uglier littered with 
>>>>>>>> degrees2radians() conversions, for example, in the following haversine 
>>>>>>>> distance calc.
>>>>>>>> haversine(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2) = 12745.6 * 
>>>>>>>> asin(sqrt(sind((lat2-lat1)/2)^2 + cosd(lat1) * cosd(lat2) * 
>>>>>>>> sind((lon2 - lon1)/2)^2))

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