
Have you guys tried to influence others to use Julia, and failed, for 
research or teaching and/or production? What has been your best argument(s) 
(or the most difficult counter-argument)? Do people just have to discover 
Julia at their own pace?

Note, I have convinced myself, *I* would use Julia, almost for 
everything (but have no big project planned). And I am not even the target 
audience for Julia. At least the first three on my list seem to be. I just 
envy that they have such a good language and community available for them.. 
while not using it. I feel you guys are unfairly keeping Julia to 
yourselves and think Julia could/should benefit others soon. I thought I 
could and did make a good case for Julia to others, while not knowing much 
about their specific problems/domains.

At some point I mentioned here that Julia could be a good first language, 
and it was pointed out that there was no book. I see now there is (while 
not for beginners).

The statistical probability of success for a new computer language is 
somewhere between slim to none. It seems to me Julia *should* beat the odds 
(at this point) at least for the target audience. But maybe not, if I can't 
convince people.. or if everyone wants to be a "late adopter"..

If people would be waiting for an even *better* language or can't decide 
between alternative newer languages, I would also like to know of possible 
ones on the horizon. Chapel? X10? Fortress seems dead. None of these have 
the "dynamic"-aspect. I haven't looked too much into these alternative 
parallel languages (or Haskell..), do they have any advantage over Julia, 
now? Any language better to harness GPUs? [I'm not convinced a language 
should be implicitly parallel be default (as opposed to optional) or 

I've been asked what is Julia's "killer application". That is, programming 
languages need something special too. For Julia, I think it is the speed 
plus "dynamic"/REPL. And it's easy to use. Is the learning curve low enough 
for users (compared to the benefit)? Multiple dispatch might be, really the 
only new thing for users (while also rewarding). (Perceived) lack of 
library might be a problem? I just point to, say, JuliaQuant. Any specific 
high-quality libraries I can point to for finance or biology? Are the 
libraries immature?

[In a recent MATLAB-thread here, there was something mentioned about 
Windows issues w/Julia, should those below be worried? Solved in 0.4 or 
soon (in 0.3)?]

1. A friend, a PhD physicist, now (sadly..) a quant/finance guy, top dog in 
his department at one of the major US bank, who could use Julia (and 
probably influence his subordinates in his New York department and the 
lower ranked guys he hires for Florida).

Uses Python and NumPy (and C++ for performance); nothing else I gather for 
performance in Python such as Numba or PyPy. Asked me, when disappointed 
with the parallel speed-up he was getting in Python. Would like to harness 
GPUs and/or the cluster they have. Says he got past the parallel problems 
(may have done so only at the C++ side?).

He isn't sure the learning curve of Julia is worth it; Python "good enough" 
now. It seems to me the learning curve is not that high and he's not a 
beginner and while not a CompSci guy, he is very bright and should manage. 
Still, he though he had a firewall/admin problem at work (I assume the git 

[He says, over at Goldman Sacks, they have their own home made language..]

Going to point him to this..:
"Learn both — you won’t regret it"

Should I point him to a NYC meet-up? I see it was yesterday.. will be again 
- when?

2. A friend, a guy I consider a programmer wizard from my youth, MS in 
engineering/PhD computer science, now working in systems biology and 
teaches computer science classes in my university.

Uses MATLAB (and C++ for performance) for his systems biology. Hates R.. 
doesn't use. Uses Python when teaching (say general construction/object 

Says MATLAB is standard in the scientific world, what you use when 
publishing articles.. Also isn't really too unsatisfied with the 
performance most of the time.

Managed to get him to try out Julia (or may have been one of his students). 
He says C++ was 100x faster.. so he's doing something wrong. Would get a 
student to look into it.. I asked if I could see the code but have not so 

3. A guy I met at work (do not know him), working in bioinformatics using 
Python. Says he's a "late adopter of new languages". I said 
"understandable.. I'm sure you would be pleasantly surprised, but I do not 
really know about the available bioinformatics Julia package" (plural?) or 
too much about your field.

I understand Perl is/was popular in bioinformatics as really it's kind of 
string processing. Should Perl (or Python) be somehow superior to Julia for 

[You could stop reading here..]

4. A young guy in the family in his second year of BS in software 
engineering/computer science department. It's kind of sad, he just really 
wants to be a web developer, as he only gets excellent grades and therefore 
paid tuition.. Last time I checked he hadn't tried Julia (maybe fears the 
math and feels Julia not appropriate and/or just doesn't have time..).

He was taking the ("alternative") programming language(s) course, starting 
with Smalltalk (I thought it had died.. :) C++ is *still* the first 
language, like when I started uni in 1993. [They also use C++11, that I 
haven't looked into much..] Other so far, some C# and JavaScript.

5. Another young guy in the family, highly motivated, self taught 
programmer that wants to release his 3D game he made with Unity. Started 
with "JavaScript" (in Unity) and now C# in Unity. He asked if he could make 
his own game engine in Julia. I said Julia would be an excellent choice if 
he was up for it (skipping Unity), or would be by the time he would be 
finished.. (real-time an issue for now). Am I wrong? There seems to be good 
enough OpenGL/graphics libraries at least.. Most optimistic this one will 
actually take a good look; least optimistic he will succeed, regardless of 
Julia, as a game engine is just really hard..

6-7. Two friends, BS background similar to me, who do business type and/or 
web-programming. One uses COOLPLEX and just very much ok with that (and 
it's metaprogramming), the other C# now. Neither have a choice at work or a 
personal project planned.

8-14. I've also cc:-ed some old teachers/professors at my previous 
universities, so far I only recall 2-3 responses, from the one who taught 
me the programming language class(es) and compiler class, I think he looked 
at it but too busy (for new stuff), including with his own new language. 
The operation research teacher responded, sticks with MATLAB for now, a 
statistics teacher (who didn't teach me) that uses R and is a fan of it, 
responded and still uses R. One of my AI teachers, now dean, doesn't 
program now while dean (I thought he might influence others..), didn't 


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