I think this is the soft vs hard scope issue.  See:

That issue could use some fleshing out though...

On Tue, 2015-03-10 at 20:03, Wendell Zheng <zhengwend...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *Input 1:*
> y = 0
> function foo()
>     y = 10
> end
> foo()
> y
> *Output 1:*
> 0
> *Input 2:*
> y = 0
> for i = 1:1
>     y = 10 
> end
> y
> *Output 2:*
> 10
> In the first example, y introduces a local variable. 
> In the second example, y is still a global variable.
> This is not consistent to what the official document said.
> I tried these examples in JuliaBox.

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