I've been toying around with implementing a fixed-point type in Julia.
This has been mentioned before (http://bit.ly/1DlF2S0) I guess that it is
on one or more person's to-do list; does anyone have a fixed-point type
they can share?

I made a toy type at this gist:
https://gist.github.com/christianpeel/4f630b98fe133b6df690   This type sets
the number of fractional bits globally and always uses Int64 for the
underlying data. I haven't found a clean way to set the type of the
underlying data to an aribitrary integer type (see the second file in the
gist for one really ugly workaround).    One thing that I kept wanting to
do was to somehow pass the type for the underlying in, but the following
code isn't allowed. Is there anyway to pass a datatype into a constructor?

immutable FixedP{T<:Integer} <: Real
    FixedP(num::FloatingPoint,T::DataType) = new(convert(T,num*2.0^FPEXP));


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